Sojourners Magazine: January-February 2002
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Cover Story
Theres a trap that Id call the Bonhoeffer assumption. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
was studying at Union Seminary in New York.
How these anxious and ambiguous days might offer up the most holy of gifts.
The most significant ways—both short and long term—to deal with the sources of terrorism will emerge more from within the circles that are close to it rather than from sources that depend upon it from outside.
Theologians of nonviolence wrestle with how to resist terrorism.
Some people think that if you have a position of Christian nonviolence, you don’t have anything to say because you’re excluded from making discriminating political judgments.
Apocalypse grabs us by the shoulders and says, 'Look at what matters in life.'
"Whenever people discover that they have rights, they have the responsibility to claim them."—John XXIII, "Pacem in Terris"
Shrimp feasts, rifle training, and jail time: The peaks and perils of growing up with activist parents.
Those of you in the hinterlands—when you’re not taking care of your hinter—are probably wondering what life is like now in Washington, D.C., the nation’s capital...
Culture Watch
Understanding Islam, by Thomas W. Lippman, is a thorough history of Islam and its adherents from a geopolitical perspective.
The song has again become a vital statement of hope and even a resource for resistance.
Friends, this song is called "I Heard an Owl," and it was written two days after the Sept. 11 tragedy.
She Who Is: The Mystery of God in Feminist Theological
Discourse, by Elizabeth Johnson (Crossroad/Herder & Herder).
The term reconciliation carries such a chord of optimism; it conjures images of issues resolved and friendships re-established. But it’s usually wrenching work.
WHAT HAPPENED TO the "Prince of Peace" in Sojourners
response to the events and aftermath of Sept.
After years of sustained international protests against live-fire training exercises on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques, the U.S. Navy is looking elsewhere to play its war games.
Tennessee, Hawaii, and Utah are the only states that have no legalized gambling or
I WISH TO RETRACT a statement I made regarding your new magazine layout
a number of months ago.
The journey from Epiphany to Lent brings us from the brightness of our dawning to the
bleakness of our sinfulness.
Born out of the experience of a New York State Labor-Religion Coalition
delegation to Mexico, Border Witness: Youth Confront NAFTA chronicles the
experience of New Yor
While its sometimes hard for corporate giants to do the right thing, networking
powerhouse Cisco Systems is taking the lead in good times and in bad.
"It’s heartbreaking to see how quickly this happened and how much people are already hurting," says Rev. Alexia Salvatierra
Need a controlled biblical experience? Check out the new "plaguedomes." With
a quick swish of your wrist you can stir up a ravenous horde of locusts.
I HAD NEVER HEARD of Tim LaHaye until a friend mentioned him in a
letter with an introductory note.
God Talk. Time magazine has named Stanley Hauerwas, a United Methodist professor at Duke University in North Carolina, "America’s Best Theologian."
Karmen is an animated building whose mission is to harbor peace within her dilapidated
The times are strange and uncertain. So we are responding the same way we would at any other time: By searching our souls, with the assistance of Kathleen Norris and Richard Rohr, OFM.
The "Words Can Heal" campaign, recently launched by Rabbi Chaim Feld, teaches
positive communication skills and aims to stop hurtful speech.
I FOUND MARTIN Wroe’s article "Empty Pews, Full Agendas" very interesting having spent seven weeks this past summer volunteering at a community center in London’s East End.
Recently, Turkish TV launched the hottest new program in virtual voyeurism: Who can
survive on the countrys minimum wage?
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) turns 8 in January 2002. Congress is now considering a hemispheric expansion in the form of the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas.