Born out of the experience of a New York State Labor-Religion Coalition delegation to Mexico, Border Witness: Youth Confront NAFTA chronicles the experience of New York teen-agers meeting people on the bottom side of NAFTA. Powerful photographs accompany the English and Spanish text. A great educational and organizing tool for all ages. (518) 459-5400;
Teen pregnancy is on the decline. Does religion have anything to do with it? The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancys A Report on the Role of Religion, Faith, and Religious Practice in Preventing Teen Pregnancy offers research on the role of religion in preventing teen pregnancy. (202) 478-8500;
Need a resource to engage youth on the topic of living the nonviolent Jesus way? Tobin Miller Shearers Leap, Twist, Spy, Listen: Doing Nonviolence uses Walter Winks principles of nonviolence, as derived from the Sermon on the Mount, in a four-session Bible study. Booklets for youth (50 cents) and teachers ($2) are available. (330) 683-6844;
Started by a 17-year-old and now edited by a 22-year-old, Christian webzine Real Magazine publishes essays, student art, music and book reviews, and pointless quotes that will make you chuckle.
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