Employment Opportunities
Good Samaritan Center for Health and Wholeness, a Christian health center serving a rapidly growing immigrant population in Goshen, Ind., seeks an executive director. Candidate must be bilingual in English and Spanish and skilled in cross-cultural communication, spiritual leadership, grant writing, community development, and medical management. Contact Dr. Carolyn Klaus, (219) 534-0981; rcdklaus@ juno.com or Chaplain Clair Hochstetler, (219) 533-2141; chochstetl@ goshenhealth.com.
The campus ministry of Cameron University in Lawton, Okla. seeks a campus minister. This is a full-time position with full-time staff support. Check www.ccmcenter.org for a job description. Contact Search Committee, CCM Center, 500 SW 27th St., Lawton, OK 73505; (580) 357-7226 or Dr. Lynn Musslewhite, Chair of Search Committee, (580) 536-6219.
Volunteer Opportunities
L’Arche Harbor House, a L’Arche community in Jacksonville, Fla., seeks assistants to live and share their lives with developmentally disabled adults. Responsibilities include: assisting in creating a home, developing relationships with members, assisting in personal care, and community life. Stipend, room, board, insurance, and formation in L’Arche spirituality and philosophy are provided. Contact Patrick Mayhew, 700 Arlington Road, Jacksonville, FL 32211; (904) 721-5992; larchfl@aol.com.
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