This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: January 2010

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Evidence abounds that focusing on women and girls—educating them, eliminating their marginalized status, removing barriers to their participation in local economies—is the key to ending poverty. Women are continuing to lead us into a better future. The question is, will the world follow?

Read our extended interview with Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn or listen to the audio recording.

Watch Jim Wallis interview filmmaker Morgan Spurlock.

Author Don Miller speaks with assistant editor Jeannie Choi in this video interview.

Hear poet David Denny read his poem, Ode to St. Anthony of Egypt in this audio recording.

Vincent Harding discusses the significance of the Obama administration in this video interview.

Cover Story

Focusing on women and girls is the most effective way to fight global poverty and extremism.


Women's advocacy groups in Kenya take on the issues that most hit home.
What is the connection between a mother in Pennsylvania and a mother in northern Canada?
An open letter from a civil rights elder to President Obama.


What fiction teaches us about what’s real.
Congress must rein in abusive lending.
Bald-faced lies about global warming.


The new year is dawning brightly—usually too brightly, depending on how late you stayed up on New Year’s Eve—and it is filled with hope and the unlimited possibility of a fresh st
My friend April grew up a church girl. She attended Bible camp and Sunday school, sang Christian songs, and went on mission trips.
Sister Linda Fuselier was my first-grade teacher. It was 1969 at St. Ignatius Catholic School in Sacramento, California.
In November, Dallas hosted Sojourners’ Justice Revival.

Culture Watch

A conversation with filmmaker Libby Spears.
Our politically mad times.
Another look at Gone with the Wind.
Solitude and Compassion: The Path to the Heart of the Gospel, by Gus Gordon. Orbis.
How Morgan Spurlock changes the way we think.


After a grand slam of hurricanes devastated Haiti in 2008, relief agencies promptly pitched in to clean up.
While reading Jim Wallis’ “Faith Principles for Health-Care Reform” (November 2009), I found this sentence dismaying: “The health-care system should protect the sanctity and
Once upon a time, a long time ago, unto us a savior was born. Sadly, his mom never threw him a birthday party. But now you can.
While diplomatic relations between the U.S.
Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle C
Schools in the United States are becoming increasingly segregated based on students’ race and economic status, according to a study released by Gary Orfield of the Civil Rights Project.
Thousands gathered in the Dallas Market Center in November for three days of preaching, Bible study, and action for social justice.
Of all the saints, my Anthony, I love you best. For you did what I long to do: you walked away from a life of comfort and ease,
Robert Hirschfield was wrong about media coverage of Israel and about the media watchdog organization CAMERA (“Peering Through the Wall,” November 2009).

Web Extra

Promoting gender equality is crucial to combating global poverty, a point Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn make in their new book,
Don Miller is the founder of The Mentoring Project and author of
Promoting gender equality is crucial to combating global poverty, a point Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn make in their new book,
Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock is not afraid to get messy.
David Denny teaches English at De Anza College in Cupertino, California.