Sojourners Magazine: February 1976
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Cover Story
When this article appeared, Richard J. Barnet was a founder and co-director of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C.
Yet another theological declaration has been added to the growing number of such statements in the past few years which attempt to deal with the difficult questions involved in the church’s relationship to the world.
Three thousand people gathered on Jan. 29, 1976, in the International Ballroom of the Washington Hilton Hotel for the National Prayer Breakfast.
After a careful reading of early chapters in the Acts of the Apostles it seems unavoidably evident that the first Christian community, the Jerusalem church, was qualitatively the church in all its fullness.
The Washington National Cathedral stands atop Mt. St. Albans, the highest point in Washington, D.C.
As I comprehend the gospel, when it is said of Wendt that he is a scapegoat, his faithfulness is being affirmed.
“We believe that disarmament is the greatest and most urgent challenge facing humanity.”
The scriptures claim that to know God is to do justice and to plead the cause of the oppressed.
A year ago, in the February issue of The Post-American, we focused upon the charismatic renewal and speculated hopefully about the potential of new relationships developing between some of those who had been active in charismatic movements.
Culture Watch
The final world war lasted five days. The problems of the first, second, third and fourth worlds have been ended abruptly. Now there are only two worlds.