Bread for the World, Arthur Simon, Eerdmans and Paulist Press, 1975, 179 pages, $1.50.
What Do You Say to a Hungry World? W. Stanley Mooneyham, Word Books, 1975, 272 pages, $6.95.
New Hope for the Hungry? Larry Minear, Friendship Press, 1975, 140 pages, $1.95.
This review focuses on three recent books providing valuable background for individuals, study groups and congregations struggling with world hunger. All three approach the problem from a Christian viewpoint; all three represent agencies that are channels for Christian response. Arthur Simon heads the organization with the same name as his book, Bread for the World. Larry Minear, the Consultant on World Hunger for Church World Service and Lutheran World Relief, asks, New Hope for the Hungry? The president of World Vision, Stanley Mooneyham, also poses a question in his title, What Do You Say to a Hungry World? This immediate involvement in world hunger gives authenticity and urgency to the three writers’ messages, but their own organizations’ efforts are not predominant in their books.
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