Culture Watch

Danny Duncan Collum 11-01-2010

It happens every summer. Newsmakers go on vacation, real news gets slow, and novelty stories rush in to fill the vacuum. One summer it's child abductions; the next it's shark attacks.

Gareth Higgins 9-01-2010
George Lucas may have had a role in my childhood, but it's not up to him to tell my story for me.
A school claims video games help students learn to "manage complexity." But will they understand culture?
Julie Polter 9-01-2010

Consider All the Works

Becky Garrison 9-01-2010
Comedian Omid Djalili on being funny about faith.
Abayea Pelt 9-01-2010
The ArchAndroid, by Janelle Monáe, Atlantic Records.
Lauren F. Winner 9-01-2010
Is Sabbath only for the privileged few -- or for all of us?
Jeannie Choi 8-01-2010
Bettie Mae Fikes talks about the music of the civil rights movement.
Lit: A Memoir, by Mary Karr. HarperCollins.
Tattoos on the Heart, by Gregory Boyle. Free Press.
Julie Polter 8-01-2010

Seeking the Beloved

Christopher Smith 8-01-2010
On being the people of God in a particular place.
Let's just call the Music City deluge a naturally occurring metaphor.
Gareth Higgins 8-01-2010
It’s ironic that the explosive, high-budget thrill rides understand so little about their own themes.
A titanic struggle is being waged over the future of the internet.
Margaret Regan 7-01-2010
In March 2008, several fast-food employees found themselves on the wrong side of U.S. immigration policies.
Becky Garrison 7-01-2010
Made for Goodness: And Why This Makes all the Difference, by Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu. Harper One.
Rose Marie Berger 7-01-2010
The Complete Psalms, by Pamela Greenberg. Bloomsbury USA. Joyful Noise, edited by Robert Strong. Autumn House Press.
Gareth Higgins 7-01-2010
Documentary films have the potential to both show us the world and change it.