Georgia Peace
In Faith Beyond Borders: Doing Justice in a Dangerous World, Don Mosley, with Joyce Hollyday, tells the story of Jubilee Partners, a Christian community in Comer, Georgia, where Mosley (a founder of Habitat for Humanity) and others have welcomed more than 3,000 war refugees, teaching Christian peacemaking and reconciliation among former enemies. Abingdon Press
Hildegard's Vision
The radical story of 12th-century Benedictine nun Hildegard Von Bingen hits the big screen in the full-length feature film Vision. New German Cinema’s Margarethe Von Trotta directs Barbara Sukowa in the lead role of Hildegard, a Christian mystic, composer, scientist, doctor, philosopher, fearless fighter for the rights of women, and prophet of the church. Zeitgeist Films
Teen Spirit
In Peace, Be Still, Connie, teenage daughter of a Methodist pastor in Catonsville, Maryland, in 1968, encounters priests burning draft records and worries about her friend’s brother, back from Vietnam a changed man. This is Dorothy Lilja Harrison’s fourth book of young-adult historical fiction.
Power Tools
The Bible and Human Transformation was written by Walter Wink in 1973. This slim reissue examines how the historical-critical method of biblical critique can become a “principality and power” in its own right. Though Wink is arguably one of the top historical-critical biblical scholars living today, he never allows the Word to ossify. Fortress Press
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