Culture Watch

Jeannie Choi 12-01-2009
Joel Salatin finds himself in the middle of the food debate, fighting for a better way.
Jim Wallis 12-01-2009
Harvard professor Michael J. Sandel on civility in public discourse.
Danny Duncan Collum 12-01-2009
Capitalism: A Love Story examines a "filthy, rotten system."
Jeannie Choi 12-01-2009
Serving the community of LaSalle Street Church in Chicago.
Molly Marsh 12-01-2009
The Sant'Egidio Book of Prayer, by Angela Riccardi; Peaceful Heroes, by Jonah Winter; Bearing the Mystery: Twenty Years of Image, by Gregory Wolfe; Trails of Hope and Terror: Testimonies on Immigration, by Miguel De La Torre.
Gareth Higgins 12-01-2009
Reexamining violence in entertainment.
Kevin Lum 12-01-2009
Why David Sometimes Wins, by Marshall Ganz. Oxford University Press.
Franz Jägerstätter: Letters and Writings from Prison, edited by Erna Putz. Orbis.
Edwidge Danticat 11-01-2009
Can an author save her parents though her books?
Van Jensen 11-01-2009
Graphic novels tackle the tough issues of our times.
Molly Marsh 11-01-2009
Science and religion books explore the "seen and the unseen."
Bryan Cones 11-01-2009
Check out these resources on worship and liturgy.
Danny Duncan Collum 11-01-2009
Creating a better world first requires an act of imagination.
Bob Smietana 9-01-2009
A theological variety show mixes humor, music, and cultural analysis.
Molly Marsh 9-01-2009
Everyday Justice: The Global Impact of Our Daily Choices, by Julie Clawson; The Fray, by The Fray; Learning to Sing in a Strange Land, by Wesley Stevens; and Grace Notes: Daily Readings with a Fellow Pilgrim, by Philip Yancey.
Gareth Higgins 9-01-2009

WE’RE IN A national emergency, and it’s not swine flu.

Vacation Bible Schools isn't nearly as bad as, say, the Inquisition.
David Hilfiker 9-01-2009
The Bridge at the End of the World: Capitalism, the Environment, and Crossing from Crisis to Sustainability, by James Gustave Speth. Yale University Press.
Kaitlin Barker 9-01-2009

The Stoning of Soraya M., written and directed by Cyrus Nowrasteh. Mpower Pictures.

Elizabeth Palmberg 8-01-2009

Bio: Founder and CEO, Northern California Urban Development (