This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: August 2015

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Cover Story

Svjatogor / Shutterstock
A conservative takes a second look at the morality of nuclear weapons and discovers that there's more than one way to choose life.
Image of Urakami Cathedral
We must abolish nuclear weapons, says one Japanese theologian—but we can't stop there. 
Younger activists, in both government and civil society, are leading worldwide efforts to ban nuclear weapons. 


connel / Shutterstock
Christians have an important role in ending discrimination—and violence—against Muslims. 
This isn't a story about the death penalty. It's about life interrupted, making a new world possible. 
Army vet and peace educator Paul K. Chappell aims to change our cultural narratives about violence. 


The country's largest Christian churches are asking how to bring biblical social justice to the Korean peninsula. 
But then there was the week that hit Ferguson last summer.
THESE [sharecroppers] know the Bible, know some kind of church, know what it means to pray long and hard.
More than 90,000 migrants have crossed the Mediterranean Sea so far this year. 

Culture Watch

Ms. Marvel
In 'Ms. Marvel,' a Muslim teenage girl is the hero we've been waiting for. 
As hostilities wane, the patterns of U.S.-Cuban "prehistory" may become important again. 
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Four August culture recommendations from our editors.
The purpose of art is to help us live better. 
'A Still and Quiet Conscience: The Archbishop Who Challenged a Pope, a President, and a Church,' by John A. McCoy. Orbis Books. 
'Malestrom: Manhood Swept into the Currents of a Changing World,' by Carolyn Custis James. Zondervan. 
'The Gospel According to the Blues,' by Gary W. Burnett. Cascade Books. 
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4 Questions for Jimmie Briggs


Pope Francis, the world's spiritual physician, has diagnosed us with a degenerative disease. 
Admission requirements at Berea include being smart, being willing to work hard, and being poor. 
Resistance is futile. (Plus, it's time-consuming. So, never mind.) 
You can't kill extremism by bombing the extremists. 


Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle B
For years, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has had a social statement on environmental stewardship, “Care for Creation,” calling churches to care for God’s creation and hold environmentally exploitive companies accountable.
While Verena Radulovic’s “‘They Saved My Life’” (June 2015) tells a positive story about one woman moving out of homelessness, it doesn’t engage the issue of homelessness from a Christian pers
“A Sacred Beat” by the late Richard Twiss (June 2015) gladdened my heart, until I got to the part that explained how the native drum has been demonized and forbidden in Christian worship.
I was challenged and inspired by Virginia Gilbert’s “Forgive Us Our Debts” (April 2015).