This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: June 2004

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Cover Story

When you're Christian, progressive, and "pro-life," voting your conscience is often easier said than done.


I contemplated motherhood well aware that at many points the line between private matters and public affairs was faint and broken.
Why the language of the marketplace shouldn't rule our moral and political thinking.
Many Christians went to the former Soviet Union to evangelize. While there some discovered Russia's new gulags, and found themselves converted to a deeper understanding of the gospel.


The Bush administration's trade strategy is in trouble.
Has the Catholic Church learned anything?
Laughter may be the best medicine for bad news.


Having recently been diagnosed with a rare and troubling medical condition-
There are millions of votes at stake in this liberal miscalculation.
No magic elixir will solve our energy dilemma, short of radically changing our consumption.
Jesus was not "cured of death." He kept fidelity with life.

Culture Watch

Political power and the hip-hop generation.
Two distinct audiences will get much out of Lifting Up the Poor:
I first heard of William Sloane Coffin in 1967,
We want Hooterville and Manhattan.
Flex Your Political Muscles