Liberals and conservatives agreethe media is badly biased," opines The Daily Shows "senior media analyst" Stephen Colbert. So whats the cure for news that claims to be fair and balanced but is often distorted? Answer: Fake news that is clearly distorted but which turns the phrase "fair and balanced" on its head with equal-opportunity mockerydenying presidents, candidates, and pundits the dignity usually afforded them by mainstream media.
Jesus humiliated his opponents on occasion (Luke 13:17) and never hesitated to put leaders in their place (Matthew 23). Through his documentary films and short-lived television series, Michael Moore elevated to an art form the ability to take people who think theyre important and make them look dumb. His embarrassment of corporate America, however, left his shows (TV Nation, The Awful Truth) without sponsorsand a satire-shaped vacuum in an America already aching from a declining Saturday Night Live.
Comedy Centrals The Daily Show has stepped into the void. Anchor Jon Stewart was mocking Bushs war a year before it was popular to do so, with coverage bearing titles such as "Mess OPotamia" and "Rationalization: Iraqi Freedom," punching precision holes in the administrations "mission accomplished" and "bring em on" bravado. When other networks were still broadcasting cheerleading embeds, the shows derisive dissent was Prozac for post-protest depression.
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