Sojourners Magazine: September-October 1997
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Cover Story
Criminologist John DiIulio explains why a God-centered and problem-focused approach is needed to save our youth.
Ronald Reagan was called the "Great Communicator." Bill Clinton should go down in history as the "Great Co-opter."
It started with a phone call from Jeffrey Katzenberg, a director in Steven Spielberg’s DreamWorks film company. Katzenberg is the former Disney executive who produced Aladdin and The Lion King.
Four water cannons. Two vicious dogs. Six armored
personnel carriers. A score of police.
"No thanks, it makes me sick." "Let’s see, if I leave the milk out of these rolls Sheila can eat them."
School in all of its dimensions inevitably marks our later
efforts at community living.
Helllloooooooooo!" That’s what I shouted over the Grand Canyon when we first pulled up. You have to do that. It’s the law.
Culture Watch
Liturgical seasons bring my life order: In them, as well as the growing seasons of Minnesota, I re-enact the drama of life and death.
The settlement between the tobacco companies and the 40
state attorneys general has been widely noted as a landmark
in public health and consumer safety. And it is.
WALTER BRUEGGEMANN in your July-August 1997 edition has gone too far in generalizing from isolated incidents of violence by military personnel...
IN JIM WALLIS’ article "All Together Now!" he declares the "four basic constituencies" of American Christianity to be "evangelical, mainline Protestant, Catholic, and the historic black churches."
I MUST ADMIT that I am perplexed by the recent article on
the ecumenical movement ("All Together Now!" by Jim
Wallis, May-June 1997).
Violence continues in the aftermath of the recent coup in
Sierra Leone.
Under pressure from conservative Christian organizations, the International Bible Society has scrapped its plans to publish a gender-neutral version of its popular NIV bible.
JEN KILPS in "Gambling on an Education" (July-August 1997) characterizes income-contingent student loans as being theoretically sound but inaccessible to most students.
I WAS DELIGHTED with the way you displayed my van Gogh
poem ("Poetry," July-August 1997).
At Iliff School of Theology in Denver, a seminary considered to be one of the country's more liberal, a group of students protesting in the chapel were surprised when the Denver Police Department arrived, handcuffed them, and hauled them to jail.
SIDNEY CALLAHAN’S editorial on physician-assisted suicide was extraordinarily disappointing ("A Time to Live, A Time to Die," July-August 1997).
IN ONE WAY I entirely agree with the point of view Bob
Hulteen expressed about Michael Ondaatjes revisionist
spin of Count Laszlo Almasy in the review of The English
They say that politics makes strange bedfellows, and
apparently so does the media business.
Once we had gone beyond Left and Right, liberal and conservative, East and West, nothing remained but to go beyond the false categories of taste and decency.
IN THE EDITORIAL on United States’ China-Tibet policy, Rose Marie Berger states, "Infant mortality is 88 percent among Tibetans, as opposed to 31 percent among Chinese".
Let’s get it straight: Living God’s way in the world is not for the faint-hearted.
In awarding McDonald's $98,000 in a libel case against two
vegetarian activists, a British judge found that some of the
charges the activists made were true.
A tough and compassionate approach holds offenders accountable while seeking reconciliation.