Sojourners Magazine: November 2015
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Contraception has long been a contested topic within the church. In our cover story, Rachel Marie Stone explores the religious and political ramifications of evangelicals joining the battle over birth control.
Cover Story
Birth control hasn't always been controversial among evangelicals...so what happened?
The official Catholic teaching on contraception hasn't changed - but lay Catholics worldwide follow their own moral reasoning.
When it comes to assessing the needs of communities in the Rio Grande Valley, some groups have adopted a radical approach: Ask the people who live there.
Syrian Civil Defense workers - the "White Helmets" - haven't given up on the future of their country.
The apostle's prison letter to the Phillippians was a challenge to the Roman Empire - and to the U.S. empire as well.
How a man wrongfully convicted of murder used magazines, broken brushes, and paint to get free - and is teaching others to do the same.
After prison, how can you make restitution if you can't get a job?
Becoming a pro-family church (paid parental leave is a good place to start).
Why young activists, from Cape Town to Charleston, need to find common cause to transform the "giants of our generation."
Culture Watch
Black Violin fuses the virtuosity of the classical world with the funk and street-level grace of hip-hop.
The best films help us understand how to transcend our brokenness without excluding our shadows.
Reflections of the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycles B & C.
He found himself wondering whether "sin and heathenism" were the correct terms for a tradition that could inspire such beauty.
Camping is best left to those who, you know, actually like the outdoors.
Why one pastor from West Papua is traveling around the world - and asking for help.