The cover story (“Nukes and the Pro-Life Christian”) comparing nuclear war to abortion was just totally out of line, not at all consistent with the more moderate stance that I’ve always appreciated with Sojourners. In fact, I really believed that the staff at Sojourners was trying to help reach middle ground on this issue, as with other controversial topics. Terms such as “abortion-on-demand” serve only to inflame a debate that already causes enough violence, anger, and rhetoric. I am proud to be pro-choice and even prouder to be pro-woman, because being pro-woman is really the crux of this issue. Let’s give women credit for being able to make choices about what will impact our bodies not only for nine months but also for the rest of our lives. Empowering women to stand against gender-based violence must include the ability to make choices about all aspects of our lives.
Kathy W. Walker
Hampden, Main
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