Sojourners Magazine: May-June 1998
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Cover Story
An interactive CD-ROM brings home the effects of the debt crisis.
As the United States drew close to launching bombing attacks on Iraq in February, American church leaders across the theological spectrum spoke out in opposition.
Once in a while you get to see people assimilate a value from a different culture.
Its an enriching experience for everyone concerned.
Religious persecution. Its becoming a hot topic, with a protest against it
gathering strong momentum around the world. Its about time.
Our cover feature points out the importance of rituals that young men need to prepare
them for responsible adulthood, not including the time your mother made you wear a bow tie
for Dress-Up Day a
"What do you do?" It's taken me about nine months to come up with a short answer for that question.
Culture Watch
Thirty-five years ago, on June 12, 1963, Medgar Evers was assassinated in front of his home on the west side of Jackson, Mississippi.
In 1977, the Church of England set out to modernize the Lords Prayer.
IN HIS ARTICLE on the drama of the Ted Kaczynski Unabomber proceedings, Joe Nangle asks, "How could two siblings turn out so differently?" ("Life in Community" March-April 1998).
A neighbor lent me his January-February 1998 issue knowing that I am an Eastern Rite
Catholic (also known as the Byzantine Rite).
RON DARTS commentary, "Beyond Clan Politics" (January-February 1998),
discusses more than my own work, but permit me to focus on it alone.
The Clinton administration’s aggressive promotion of U.S. arms sales around the world tops Project Censored’s list of censored or underreported news stories for 1997.
WE SEEK OUT most of our articles-solicit them from authors or write them ourselves. Once in a while an article is sent in that fits both our plans and our limited space.
In a remote part of India, the worlds largest democracy,
the democratic process came to a grinding halt recently.
Christians for Peace in El Salvador (CRISPAZ) seeks volunteers to live in community
and work for social justice.
IM AFRAID THAT just when some wealthy individuals are organizing to ensure that
their charity helps to reverse the unjust economic policies of our nation, Ted
Turners widely publicize
YOUR MAGAZINE, to which I recently subscribed, is my first exposure to current events
in more than 20 years, and my subscribing is the first "social action" Ive
taken in 53 years (well...th
During the stand-off between the United States and Iraq over that country’s suspected possession of chemical and biological weapons...
"HONEST, UNFLINCHING, Prophetic"? Those are the words you use on your back
cover to describe Sojourners.
I WOULD LIKE to thank you in general for the excellent work you have been doing over
all those years that I have been a subscriber to your journal.
I AM WRITING to thank you for Duane Shanks article, "Grounded in the
Book," in the January-February 1998 issue ("CultureWatch"), and to suggest
that Rabbi Joseph Teluskins book, Bi
Genuine faith is never a private matter, something hidden away in ones mind and
I JUST CALLED Ed Spivey, author of the monthly "Hrumphs," to thank him
for his most recent effort (March-April 1998).
I JUST RECEIVED the January-February issue, and I want to thank you for the articles on
male-female equality.