Sojourners Magazine: March-April 1998
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Cover Story
The drama that unfolded in the arrest and court proceedings of
Theodore Kaczynski deserves serious, even prayerful, reflection.
In part it focuses our attention on that most basic of all
In the first stage of the White House sex scandal, the media
was obsessed with how allegations of sexual misconduct and
possible cover-up against Bill Clinton might bring down his
A small group of twentysomethings can change the world. A
generation of them can reclaim the cities of America for the
kingdom of God. This is our calling.
room of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission burst open. The
parents of Amy Biehl walk in, surrounded by reporters,
microphones, and cameras.
It's February and so far you haven't kept a single
New Year's resolution, have you? Not even the one about
setting aside a special time to write in your journal.
Culture Watch
In Kevin Costner's new dystopic fantasy, The Postman, the future is bleak save for the responsible individualism of the director-star.
Oscar time is a'coming, and with it another chance to consider the relationship between Steven Spielberg's world and our own.
IT WAS A great disappointment that your first article to address the "shatter the silence" movement would rebuke the "clan politics" of others, rather than examine your own.
I MUST WRITE to disagree with "Time for New Tools," by David McReynolds ("Commentary," November-December 1997).
I JUST FINISHED reading "A Community That Endures,"
by Jim Forest (January-February 1998).
THANK YOU FOR the November-December 1997 issue and its focus on the faithful work and witness of Mary and Gordon Cosby ("Mission: Possible").
While some might question Promise Keepers' stated intention of "taking back America's cities," few can criticize the volunteer labor the group has offered to the urban areas...
A few years ago televangelist Robert Schuller proposed that we take another look at the meaning of Lent.
Our existing public school systems have better schools in more affluent neighborhoods, and parents choose those schools by buying houses there, usually paying premium prices.
WHAT A WONDERFUL article on Mary and Gordon Cosby. I felt their convictions and assessments were right on everything...
I APPRECIATED the much-needed article, "A Collaboration
Against Hatred," by Jim Hodgson ("Commentary,"
January-February 1998).
Longtime peacemakers Daniel and Philip Berrigan were nominated for the 1998 Nobel Peace Prize by Mairead Maguire. Maguire won the prize in 1976 for working for peace in Northern Ireland.
THE ARTICLE in the January-February 1998 issue by Dale Aukerman ("The Heart of Faith") is powerful and direct, but its 16-cylinder vocabulary, pronouns with unclear antecedents, and run-on sente
I AM WRITING in response to Harry C. Kiely’s article on the movie Sling Blade (November-December 1997).
IN 1994, FORBES listed 358 billionaires whose combined
net worth equaled the combined income of the bottom 45 percent of
the world's population.
Some Michigan churches provide hands-on support to families in transition.
While it may be too soon to tell if the 1996 Welfare Reform Act has succeeded in its goal of moving people from welfare to work, there are early signs from the streets that the attempts to make thi