This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: March 2006

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Cover Story

'Kingdom of God' is so last-century. Are there new ways to talk about Jesus' good news?


What do you get when you mix punk rockers with senior citizens?
Christian peacemaking and the implications of a global police force.
Lee Porter's quilts capture the beauty of rural Nicaragua.
In addition to providing services to the elderly, We Are Family helps volunteers tap in to the history of African-American communities in Washington, D.C. Through casual visits as well as oral history projects, volunteers sometimes are able to uncover accounts of major events in U.S.
Human rights and democracy in Latin America: A progress report.


Why I felt called to civil disobedience.
A half year after unprecedented disaster, where are the citizens of the Gulf Coast - and what do they need?
What to do when a president places himself above the law?


Somehow, Jesus has survived even the church.
Lent invites us to a 'tranquil listening of the heart.'
Apparently, 'a-wassailing' means 'meeting with my lawyers.'

Culture Watch

If democracy is to be more than a slogan, everyone must have access to the Internet.
In the midst of my own responsibilities for leadership within the Presbyterian Church (USA), I seek to keep current with the literature on leadership and organizational management.
'Pop music possesses the power to transport the human spirit.'
There's a rich middle ground between organ lofts and praise bands.


There are currently 7 million adults under correctional supervision in the United States, 1.6 million more than in 1995, according to a recent Department of Justice report. The majority are ineligible to vote.
A Brazilian court found Rayfran das Neves Sales and Clodoaldo Carlos Batista guilty of the 2005 murder of 73-year-old Catholic sister Dorothy Stang, SND. The men received 27- and 17-year prison sentences, respectively.
“Taking Back Our Kids” flagrantly overlooks the fact that African-American women have always worked outside the home—before, during, and after the 1950s.
While agreeing with Ted Peters (“Intelligent Religion,” December 2005) that one can both embrace the science of Darwinian theory and be religious, I take exception to his assertion that “the scientific establishment tries to assert that to be religious is like having a diseas
“Taking Back our Kids,” by Danny and Polly Duncan Collum (January 2006), has many important things to say about raising children in today’s American culture, but I take issue with one assertion: that it has been the “choice” of women to enter the workforce in the 19
Rite Lite Ltd., purveyor of “quality Judaica since 1949,” is helping children get comfortable with the mystery of a creator God who destroys. How?
Many of us attend worship communities that struggle to hit the right note between traditional hymn-and-organ music and the praise choruses of a (usually loud and) youthful rock band.
Shanti Sellz and Daniel Strauss, both 23, face felony charges for aiding people in the Arizona desert who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border. Their appeal to have the case against them dismissed was denied in January.
Was the cry they heard a kestrel’s or a distressed gull or a passing soul or one not wanting to, a disciple asked as fog burned off the harbor and left the water
I was disturbed by the article “Taking Back Our Kids.” The authors seem to think the best way to combat the consumer culture in which we live, and the problems it causes our children, is for one parent to stay at home. I disagree.
U.S. Capitol Police arrested 115 religious leaders in front of the Cannon House Office Building in Washington, D.C., in December while they knelt on the steps to pray and protest the planned federal budget cuts to social programs that aid the poor.
Covenants order our lives, our faith communities, and, in the best of times, our nations. The promises and agreements God makes to us, and that we make to one another, are sometimes made binding by oaths or rituals.
Thank you for publishing Dan Charles’ hymn to the life of Nelson Good (“Everything He Touched Turned to Community,” December 2005). I’m one of those people who benefited from the “expanding circles” of Nelson’s life.
Twenty-five Christian peacemakers, members of Witness Against Torture, walked 50 miles from Santiago, Cuba, to the gates of the controversial U.S. Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay in December to protest the treatment of prisoners detained there.