Communities at Risk
“AIDS is born in the house of poverty,” an Indian health worker says on Making Ends Meet: AIDS and Poverty, a new resource from the Mennonite Central Committee. The 18-minute DVD looks at communities in India and South Africa and how AIDS is impacting the economies of each. The DVD includes additional interviews, a 25-minute story on church workers in Zimbabwe and Mozambique, and other features. Excellent for Sunday school or study groups.
Poisonous Plunder
If you encounter folks who question the growing economic divide in the United States, have them check out Inequality Matters, edited by James Lardner and David Smith. Writers, activists, economists, and religious leaders—such as Barbara Ehrenreich, Theda Skocpol, Jim Wallis, and William Greider, with an introductory salvo by Bill Moyers—contribute essays that illuminate every facet of this toxic state of affairs. The New Press
Powerful Action
Engage: Exploring Nonviolent Living, produced by Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service, is a 12-part study and action program that covers all aspects of living nonviolently. Each session contains directions for guiding conversation, readings on nonviolence, exercises and role-plays, and suggestions for discussion and action. A practical and helpful manual, especially the chapter on books, videos, and other nonviolence resources.
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