Sojourners Magazine: June 1993
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Cover Story
Excerpts of a pastoral letter from the United Methodist Bishops of Appalachia.
President Clinton's new economic plan has been strongly criticized by the Right and embraced (a bit) by moderates and progressives. What are we to make of the overall effort?
The United Nations Truth Commission on El Salvador and the challenge to the US
Culture Watch
Christianity and Crisis, the ecumenical journal founded by theologian Reinhold Niebuhr and John Bennett in 1941, published its last issue in mid-April.
The lectionary for June calls us to examine the question of authority. We face this question as we assess the meaning of our faith and our ministries.
The hiring of Dr. Benjamin Chavis to head the NAACP was a "master stroke of hope" for the cities of this country, according to those who have worked closely with Chavis on urban issues.