Sojourners Magazine: July-August 2000
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Cover Story
A half-century from now, will the churches finally learn to get along? We look into our crystal ball to seeā¦
Feared by some, welcomed by others, charitable choice might transform social services in this country. So why have so few people even heard of it?
My heart began to beat wildly; my mouth was as dry as the desert around me. Should I take time to go change my shirt?
Artist Barry Moser's new illustrated Bible shows that the people of scripture---and books themselves---are very much alive.
People in the ancient world were very careful about how they approached their gods.
U.S. churches can provide a driving moral force on the crisis of AIDS in Africa.
Josh and I made some important decisions on the day that we got engaged. First, we
decided to retain our sanity amidst the barrage of impending wedding chaos.
In just a few short months you'll wake up on a crisp Tuesday after the first Monday in November and do your part to dramatically affect the course of history.
The last city on my recent Faith Works book tour was Milwaukee.
Culture Watch
For the past 25 years, executions have taken place somewhere in America almost every week. They happened in the dead of night.
THANK YOU FOR Julie Polter's article with information on alternative and low-cost
JULIE POLTER TROTS out Jessica Mitford's old song and dance routine about the
evils of the funeral trade ("We All Have to Die," May-June 2000).
AS ONE OF THOSE organizers of the Pacific Institute for Community Organizations
network, I write to say thanks for Helene Slessarev's article "Saul Alinsky Goes
to Church" (March-April 2000).
THANKS FOR Julie Polter's excellent article about the high cost of funerals ("We All Have to Die," May-June 2000).
I'D LIKE TO RESPOND to Bernard Cullen's letter ("Giving Our All," January-February 2000) regarding my article "Life on the Auction Block" (November-December 1999).
A Baltimore County judge exceeded sentencing guidelines and gave Philip Berrigan, 30 months in prison for damaging an A-10 Warthog aircraft, such as those used to fire depleted uranium ammunition in Iraq and Kosovo.
THE MARCH-APRIL 2000 Sojourners is one of the best issues ever - the articles
were wide-ranging, practical, and well written.
IN RESPONSE TO Chris Rice's column "What I Learned When I Opened My Mouth About Gay Rights", I would like to say what I learned from some other Christians when I opened my mouth about Jesus and joined a church.
Finding himself in agreement with the American Civil Liberties Union and at odds with Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson said "a moratorium [on executions] would indeed be very appropriate..."
Madonna Kolbenschlag died January 29 in Santiago, Chile, while attending a meeting of
the School of Ecofeminist Spirituality and Ethics. She was 64.
I AM A SUPPLY TEACHER and have been teaching religious studies for two weeks in a
Catholic school.
Millions of people died in the slave trade. African AIDS deaths will soon exceed those horrendous numbers. The future of the continent isn't all that's at stake.
FINALLY! DUANE SHANK'S article "A Path Between the Extremes," (March-April 2000) says what I've been saying for years. You can teach about religion without proselytizing.
A coalition of conservative Christian and Jewish leaders known as the Interfaith Council for Stewardship and the Environment has released "The Cornwall Declaration"...
After a year of encampments that successfully halted bombing exercises by the U.S.
I REALLY ENJOYED the article about community organizing and the churches ("Saul
Alinsky Goes To Church," by Helene Slessarev, March-April 2000).
One outcome of the circus surrounding the Elian Gonzalez case has been increased
scrutiny of U.S.-Cuba policy and renewed hopes for a better relationship with the island
ED SPIVEY'S January-February 2000 "H'rumphs" ("Surely, There Must Be Some Mistake...") was really good.
Christian groups in the United States and Sudan have called for the boycott of BP-Amoco...