The Divine Hours: Prayers for Summertime, by Phyllis Tickle. The first volume in a trilogy of prayer manuals to guide Christians gently yet authoritatively through the Daily Office (Doubleday, 2000).
Revolution and Renewal: How Churches Are Saving Our Cities, by Tony Campolo, with stories by Bruce Main. A look at faith-based programs that are giving urban areas a new life (Westminster John Knox Press, 2000).
The Battle for God, by Karen Armstrong. A rich and detailed study of fundamentalism and its many faces throughout the ages (Knopf, 2000).
The Eyes of the Heart: A Memoir of Lost and Found, by Frederick Buechner. A fourth memoir/meditation by the Pulitzer-Prize nominated author about Christian faith and the people who have touched his life (HarperSanFrancisco, 1999).
The African Presence in the Bible: Gospel Sermons Rooted in History, by William D. Watley and Raquel Annette St. Clair. Eighteen sermons tell the story of Christian Africa's geographic, cultural, and religious heritage (Judson Press, 2000).
The Biblical Jubilee and the Struggle for Life: An Invitation to Personal, Ecclesial, and Social Transformation, by Ross and Gloria Kinsler. A thorough summary of the radical vision of economic and social practice found at the heart of the Bible (Orbis Books, 1999).
Life Ablaze: A Woman's Novena, by Joan Chittister, OSB. A short collection of nine biographies, lessons, intercessions, and prayers by women such as Teresa of Avila, Dorothy Day, and Mary Magdalene (Sheed and Ward, 2000).
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