Call to Renewal is seeking 1 million people to sign our Covenant to Overcome Poverty in order to put poverty on the national agenda. It might seem ambitious or even foolish for a group as small as ours to try to multiply a few endorsements into a million. However, we're encouraged by the fact that we're not the first to attempt such a daunting feat. From the beginning, people of faith have been able to summon miraculous results from just a few raw materials and a lot of divine intervention! (See Luke 9:12-17 for details.) So we're pressing forward with enthusiasm and determination.
The signature campaign is crucial to our efforts to persuade both the media and the politicians that the issue of poverty deserves their quality time. In fact, we think that it will induce candidates from both parties not just to read our invitation to the Call's Fifth Annual National Roundtable this October, but also to attend. There we will invite them into dialogue with Christian leaders concerning how to overcome poverty.
Thousands of people have already signed the Covenant or become Call to Renewal members, committing their hearts, minds, and pocketbooks to this movement, but we need many more. Please add your "loaves and fishes" to those we've already collected. Your voice is critical to the movement. If you have not already done so, please sign the Covenant and consider joining Call to Renewal. Do it by visiting our Web site at www.calltorenewal. com or calling 1-800-523-2773. We can send you blank signature forms for all your friends and family. We're confident that with your help, including your prayers for God's blessing, we'll collect more than enough signatures - perhaps even 12 extra baskets full.
The Call to Renewal welcomes...
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