This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: July 2004

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Cover Story

Sojourners associate editor Rose Marie Berger and photographer Ryan Beiler spent a Sunday afternoon in February with Wendell Berry at his farm in Henry County, Kentucky.
Kentucky farmer and essayist Wendell Berry talks about what makes people happy.


photos by Rick Reinhard
They're reading liberation theology and listening to the world's urban poor. Meet the young evangelicals of Word Made Flesh.
Dorothy Day taught us the real meaning of hospitality by the way she lived day to day.
Many people think the Religious Right has faded into obscurity and political powerlessness. In fact, it just might be stronger than ever.


The wealthy feast, the poor go hungry. Surprise.
Why incremental reform is not the solution
The real barrier is indifference.


Airport security personnel are known for their sense of humor.
Increasing deployment will only make the situation worse.

Culture Watch

"Postmodern Heretics: Catholic Imagination in Contemporary Art" by Eleanor Heartney
Four July 2004 culture recommendations from our editors
Comic books take on the world of faith and spirituality.
Copyright laws choke the commingling streams of King Lear, Iggy Pop, and "Louie Louie."


For many years we've talked about interviewing environmental and culture essayist Wendell Berry.
Letter to the Editors
Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle C
The United Methodist Church has decided that its aging and medication-
How can a Christian tick off both porn filmmakers and religious conservatives?
A 2003 report claims that the Bush administration'
Letter to the Editors
Letter to the Editors
Letter to the Editors