Sojourners Magazine: April 2006
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Cover Story
The politics of abortion has been dominated by extreme views on either side, but now voters are looking for solutions, not slogans.
One set of faith-based principles for immigration reform is being promoted by the No More Deaths coalition, based in Tucson, Arizona.
Fearful of harsh border enforcement legislation and trapped in poverty, many immigrants turn to churches for help.
Today's toddler, in his front-facing carrier, thinks he can fly.
Culture Watch
The 'Triple-A' music format comes with a nice fit, but only for a few.
A few years ago, the “postmodern memoir” or “autobiographic novel” was all the rage among critics anxious to define new literary genres.
When the Sago mine explosion trapped 13 West Virginia miners 250 feet below ground in January, I was deep into Kettle Bottom, a stunning collection of poetry by Diane Gilliam Fisher that i
In “Falsehoods and the Iraq War” (January 2005), Jim Wallis invites Dick Cheney to debate all the religious leaders who say this war of choice does not meet the criteria of a just war.
In February a New York court found Iraqi-American Rafil Dhafir, 57, guilty of violating U.S. sanctions against Iraq and of money laundering.
Peter's denials and Judas' betrayal foreshadow the reactionary horror to come.
The trade-off outlined in David Batstone’s “The HIV Trade-Off” (February 2006) doesn’t have to be made.
•Dish it Up. The employees of Windows on the World restaurant, which was destroyed in the Sept.
In February, 86 evangelical leaders declared climate change a Christian priority and lent their support to political initiatives to fight global warming, saying “The earth’s natural s
After unanimous votes in Congress, President Bush signed into law in early January the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005, drawing praise from human rights and religious g
'I was a stranger and you welcomed me.' Jesus' words in Matthew are disarmingly simple, yet they encapsulate a core tenet of Christianity: radical inclusion.
Rodell and Dale Scarabin and their children outside their makeshift house in Venice, Louisiana, in January, following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.
I loved the cover of the February issue with the African children playing and pumping water (“Fighting Global Poverty: What Works,” by Stephen Smith). They looked so happy and well.
A January report on Internet use among Protestant churches, conducted by Ellison Research, found that most churches are riding in buggies on the information superhighway.