
Gareth Higgins 5-11-2009
Yesterday, under the headline 'Obama's Apology Tour',, in typical sneering style, published" href=""">
Cesar Baldelomar 3-26-2009
The University of Notre Dame recently announced that President Barack Obama will be its spring commencement speaker and that he will also be receiving an honorary doctorate of laws degree.
Jim Wallis 3-11-2009
Go ahead, guess who wrote the following paragraph. And I'll give you a hint: It's not Al Franken, Keith Olberman, Rachel Maddow, or even Michael Moore.

Jim Wallis 2-25-2009
This wasn't really a budget speech, or even a State of the Union. It was a call to rebuild a country -- from its infrastructure, to its economy, to its values.
Jim Wallis 2-20-2009
It is the power of relationships that make new things possible. Relationships are the foundation of and the means for creating a culture shift.
Jim Wallis 1-07-2009
In 2003, Call to Renewal was deeply engaged in working to have a refundable child tax credit included in that year's tax cu
Jim Wallis 12-15-2008
It was just a couple of months ago that the country was embroiled in a debate about bailing out Wall Street.
Becky Garrison 11-04-2008
As part of my coverage of the American Academy of Religion's annual meeting, I attended a day-long workshop titled "Religion in the Race for the White House." Fo
Jim Wallis 10-23-2008
In 2004, several conservative Catholic bishops and a few megachurch pastors like Rick Warren issued their list of "non-negotiables," which were intended to be a voter guide for their followers.
Gabriel Salguero 10-23-2008
In the months leading up to the election, the topic of immigration reform has disappeared from the presidential candidates' conversations.
Jim Wallis 10-16-2008
In last evening's presidential debate, the first steps were taken toward a new national conversation about abortion. For too many years, the old one hadn't changed very much.
Jim Wallis 10-03-2008
My brother called me last night before the big debate. "If Palin does really bad tonight, she could lose the election for McCain," he said.
Mimi Haddad 9-25-2008

Regardless of your political affiliation or inclinations, the presidential campaign this year has been one of "firsts" for women.

Jim Wallis 9-17-2008
After Sarah Palin was selected by John McCain as the Republican vice-presidential candidate, reporters asked me whether the pick was desperate, brilliant, or risky.
Seth Naicker 9-09-2008

I have paid keen interest to this current presidential race. Being from another country, the whole process is quite fascinating and emotive, as gifted rhetoric and track records are flaunted for the public eye and reflection.

However, as much as the presidential race and electoral process in North America is capturing and intense, a person who is listening closely to the issues and policies presented will find him or herself quite confused by the arguments that are presented by [...]

Soong-Chan Rah 9-09-2008
Sarah Palin appeared poised and confident in her speech on Wednesday evening.

Jim Wallis 9-05-2008

John McCain's acceptance speech last night sought to present him as a maverick and bipartisan reformer, in contrast to the total partisanship of Sarah Palin the night before. She clearly relishes her own self-description as a pit bull with lipstick who fires up the conservative base, while McCain wants to reach out to the independents he knows he needs to win. He told his story again of how capture and torture took him from a reckless and selfish young man to a deep love for his [...]

Jim Wallis 9-05-2008

Wednesday morning I got an e-mail from a former member of our Sojourners community. Perry Perkins is now a community organizer in Louisiana with affiliates of the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF). "Perk," as we used to call him, reported on the enormous consequences of 2 million people being evacuated because of Hurricane Gustav, much of the state now being without power, how hard cities like Baton Rouge were hit, the tens of thousands of people in shelters and churches, and the [...]