Seth Naicker is an activist for justice and reconciliation from South Africa. He can be reached at or

Posts By This Author

Focusing World Cup Fever on South Africa's Fringe

by Seth Naicker 06-11-2010
I have committed my work, social action, and development endeavors to a social consciousness and awareness that propels a high standard of morality, ethics, and codes of conduct.

The Other Dimension of the Game

by Seth Naicker 09-04-2009
I have been thinking much about this slogan or caption, "the other dimension of the game." It is a slick and catchy phrase I have been exposed to in my work with Streetfootballworld -- a strategic

The Struggle Continues in South Africa

by Seth Naicker 08-07-2009
I have been home in South Africa for two months as of August 6. I am grateful that my family and I are home in the land of our beginnings.

Reconciliation and Homecoming

by Seth Naicker 06-02-2009
Homecoming is on my mind in this day and this hour.

Reflection on Prophet Malcolm X

by Seth Naicker 05-19-2009
In this hour, amongst everything else that is on my mind, I am mindful of the 19th of May, 2009, marking the birthday of a mystic activist and voice of justice.

Consumerism and Producerism

by Seth Naicker 03-24-2009
In times of great chaos and stress, people need voices of inspiration.

From Lazy Pluralism to Active Solidarity

by Seth Naicker 03-06-2009
I guess that people are on a journey when it comes to faith. Some admit to being on a journey, while there are those who state they have arrived.

Poem: Freedom's Lament

by Seth Naicker 02-20-2009
Freedom is on my mind. In the case of South Africa, political freedom was achieved almost 15 years ago. It was a freedom from the heresy of Apartheid.

What Change Can Tsvangirai Bring to Zimbabwe?

by Seth Naicker 02-13-2009
Feb. 11, 1990, marked the wondrous day that Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was released from prison.

Obama: 'Talk is Cheap'

by Seth Naicker 01-26-2009
For millions in the U.S.A.

Being Mindful of Our Blessings

by Seth Naicker 12-24-2008
During this time of Advent, a season of cheer and joy, there are people who do not have much in economic standings or bank balances to be cheerful or grateful for.

A South African Role Model of Reconciliation

by Seth Naicker 11-21-2008
Since the historic election of Nov. 4, I have been part of discussions with college students and faith-based institutions that have experienced racial tension and intolerance on their campuses.

Obama and Mandela

by Seth Naicker 11-07-2008
It has been reported that President-elect Barack Obama's coming into leading the U.S. is in many ways similar -- and equal in magnitude -- to Nelson Mandela becoming president of South Africa.

Seeking a More Just Economy

by Seth Naicker 09-22-2008

I have had the opportunity to consider and write about the economic disparities and realities in South Africa. In seeking to connect South Africa with the global discussion concerning struggling economies, here are some thoughts and reflections.

Reaching Out Across Differences

by Seth Naicker 09-09-2008

I have paid keen interest to this current presidential race. Being from another country, the whole process is quite fascinating and emotive, as gifted rhetoric and track records are flaunted for the public eye and reflection.

However, as much as the presidential race and electoral process in North America is capturing and intense, a person who is listening closely to the issues and policies presented will find him or herself quite confused by the arguments that are presented by [...]

South Africa's Complex Challenges

by Seth Naicker 08-11-2008

Being at home in the land of my birth, South Africa, over the last five weeks has been awesome. It is wonderful being amongst family and friends, and having our daughter Mahalia Khanya be with our "peeps."

However, as much as the wonder and joy of being home is "something to write home about," there is also much shock and disgust brewing for me personally, as well as for the broader South African society.

People are feeling the pinch of living in a South Africa where democracy [...]

Thabo Mbeki Must Intervene in Zimbabwe

by Seth Naicker 05-27-2008

In the back and forth concerning the role South Africa must play in the crisis of human rights abuses under the reign of Robert Mugabe and his cronies, it is my belief that we must see some form of serious intervention.

I understand the need for diplomacy, which always calls for "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours." But when endless reports have been publicized of the atrocities that the people of Zimbabwe are facing, South African President Thabo Mbeki must engage ways to ensure [...]

A Call for African Solidarity Against Xenophobic Violence

by Seth Naicker 05-19-2008

As a South African, it is a downright shame that brothers and sisters from other countries in Africa are being treated with such disregard. This injustice that has transpired is repulsive, shocking, and [...]