
Elizabeth Palmberg 11-11-2009
Here's what the news stories aren't telling you about the bill Senator Dodd brought out yesterday: it could spell life or death for" href=""http://stopgamb">http://stopgamb
Jim Wallis 11-01-2009

In recent days, people of faith have raised their voices in the health-care reform debate and started talking about moral values.

We continue the roller coaster ride that we hope will end with universal or near universal coverage for health care in the United States.

From my up-close-and-personal perspective as a cancer survivor, I couldn't agree more with LaVonne Neff's main point: it is the system, rather than insurance corporations, that is to blame for 18,000 unnecessary deaths a year

Rachel Anderson 10-14-2009
After all the financial turmoil that 2009 has already brought, one would think that it would somehow be logical and practical to bring accountable reforms to the same banking institutions whose re
Hayley Hathaway 9-22-2009
As pundits and politicians wield fighting words over the domestic health-care crisis, another group is getting ready to combat a different crisis -- one which, unless it's resolved quickly, will ca
Jim Wallis 9-18-2009

Glenn Beck has received a lot of attention for his inflammatory rhetoric lately. Recently, he shared a personal story about his daughter who has cerebral palsy, which gets to the heart of his fears about health-care reform:

Ernesto Tinajero 9-17-2009
Back in 2005, my wife was wanting to buy a house. Renting was not helping us build equity. The market was soaring. "Get in or be shut out of ever owning a house" was the prevailing chatter.
Elizabeth Palmberg 9-15-2009
The New York Times" href=""">
LaVonne Neff 9-14-2009
In his September 9 New York Times article, "Big Food vs.
Jim Wallis 9-10-2009
In his speech last evening, President Barack Obama made the commitments that a broad coalition in the fait
Bill McKibben 9-01-2009

I am writing these words on the train from Zurich to Geneva, looking up from my keyboard to see snowcapped mountains hanging over the lake.

Jim Wallis 9-01-2009

On a personal, national, and global level, the physical well-being of all God’s children is close to God’s heart and should be close to ours as well.

Joel C. Hunter 9-01-2009

Never let a problem to be solved become more important than the person to be loved. —Barbara Johnson

LaVonne Neff 8-28-2009
These days wisdom seems in short supply in the health-care debate. To wit: the Aug.
Ruth Hawley-Lowry 8-27-2009
The first time I met Sen. Edward Kennedy was in the underbelly of the Capitol on the Capitol Subway.