
Neeraj Mehta 5-26-2009
A standard definition of community development often goes something like this:

Jim Wallis 5-22-2009
I'm in Germany at the biannual Kirchentag festival of faith of the German churches, so I missed the news and analysis of President Barack Obama and former Vice President Dick Cheney's spee
Kaitlin Barker 5-20-2009

I spent my Monday lunch hour, and maybe longer due to D.C. traffic, standing with some 30 protesters across the street from the Burmese embassy, waving signs and shouting at curtained windows. Hundreds of other demonstrators around the world were also protesting on behalf of Aung San Suu Kyi.

Seth Naicker 5-19-2009
In this hour, amongst everything else that is on my mind, I am mindful of the 19th of May, 2009, marking the birthday of a mystic activist and voice of justice.
Elizabeth Palmberg 5-18-2009
Why should the world turn away from huge, monocropped factory farms? Pick the reason you like best.
Jim Wallis 5-15-2009
For more than sixty years
Eugene Cho 5-15-2009

I'll be honest. I get timid writing these kind of posts. I'm scared of being labeled an angry or bitter Asian. I'm scared of the emails that come in. I'm scared of being de-invited for speaking gigs

Doctors who are working in the war zone in northern Sri Lanka
"What do you mean by 'just one'? I'm not choosing just one!" I told my wife on the phone.
Jarrod McKenna 5-13-2009

"Jesus Killed Mohammed" was written in Arabic in large red letters on the side of a U.S. Army Special Forces vehicle, armed to kill and rolling through a town in Iraq. It sounds like a bad Mad-Maxesque Hollywood adaption of the Crusades set in our contemporary context. The scene gets more chilling and horrific:

Allison Johnson 5-12-2009
Today marks the first anniversary of the Po
Kevin Lum 5-08-2009
Historically, the number of individuals who say they have no religious affiliation in America ranges between 5-10%, but a new poll conducted by Robert Putnam (of http://www.amazon.com/gp/p
Jim Wallis 5-07-2009
There were some remarkable outcomes to last week's Mobilization to End Poverty, with nearly 50 sponsors an
Jimmy McCarty 5-07-2009

This past Friday, May 1, 2009, I joined with thousands of others across the country in marching for immigrant and worker's rights.

Eugene Cho 5-04-2009
Recently, I had the privilege of spending http://eugenecho.wordpress.com/2009/04/30/my-official-announcement-to-en..." href="https://sojo.net/%3Ca%20href%3D"http://eugenecho.wordpress.com/2009/04/30/my-o">http://eugenecho.wordpress.com/2009/04/30/my-o
Jarrod McKenna 5-01-2009
I rarely agree with Mark Driscoll. Yet he points to something when he said: