
Abram Huyser Honig 3-01-2010
Last Wednesday morning I awoke with butterflies in my stomach, as did many of my Asociación para una Sociedad más Justa colleagues here in Hondura
Edward Gilbreath 2-26-2010

I've kind of avoided the topic of Black History Month this year until now, almost the end of the month. The reason is, I've been kicking around in my mind this notion of "Black History Month Syndrome." Now, stay with me a minute.

Jim Wallis 2-25-2010

Yesterday, the Senate passed a jobs bill by a 70-28 vote, showing that even in today's polarized political climate, bipartisan solutions to the major problems facing the country are still

Julie Clawson 2-24-2010
I knew I was dreaming when Michelle Obama sat down across from me. I was wearing a formal dress sitting on one of the tall bar stools at our local pub, in the quiet back corner near the dartboard.
Abram Huyser Honig 2-24-2010
Forty-one months ago, almost to the day, I was at my desk in the office of the Honduran Christian justice organization Asociación para una Sociedad más Justa (Association for a More J
Jim Wallis 2-17-2010
Sometimes things get so bad that you really don't know what to say or do. When that happens, it's a good time to fast and pray.
Benedict Rogers 2-12-2010

Google's vow to pull out of China last month was partly based on the discovery that human rights activists' Gmail accounts had been hacked into, purportedly by Chinese intelligence. As a human rights advocate, this is worrying news for all who seek to fight for justice around the world.

Julie Clawson 2-10-2010
I love my church. And I love that it isn't afraid to explore the difficult issues -- and figure out how to do so in loving ways.
Logan Isaac 2-09-2010
Not long ago, I blogged about my trip to Iraq with fellow God's Politics blogger Shane Claiborne and
Brian McLaren 2-08-2010
It's one thing to go to the "Holy Land" and see where Jesus worked and walked in the past.
Hayley Hathaway 2-08-2010
For those of us who work for social justice, victory can seem elusive.
John Carlos Frey 2-05-2010

I was born in Tijuana, Mexico, and grew up in San Diego, California, only a few hundred yards from the actual borderline. As a kid, there were always border patrols around but I never felt like my birthplace offered any threat. A few years ago, though, I noticed a massive escalation of security infrastructure along the U.S.-Mexico border. I couldn't figure out what had changed.

Cesar Baldelomar 2-05-2010
In a recent interview with Commonweal magazine, renowned Catholic theologian David Tracy argued that theological discourse, with its accompanying jargon and disputes about certain doctrina