
Don lived for years in the Chicago area, working hard and trying to keep up with the fast pace of his profession.
John Gehring 4-23-2010
These are dark days for Catholics and our church. The clergy sexual abuse scandals are a source of profound pain and raw anger.
Elizabeth Palmberg 4-23-2010
Activists are calling Sudan's recent elections "rigged" and demanding that the results not be mislabeled legitimate.

The world is stubborn. It changes its thinking at a glacial pace. People fear change, and they come to hate what they fear. Powerful interests do not want to lose or to share power. The work of social justice, of affecting positive change requires persistent commitment and radical love that gives one the energy to continue the work across decades.

Nontando Hadebe 4-20-2010
Thirty years ago on April 18th, Zimbabwe celebrated independence and started a new chapter in its political history, full of promise and hope.

Last week, The Washington Post's On Faith site devoted their weekly Q&A to the debate over social justice which they titled, "Wallis vs.

Julie Clawson 4-16-2010
I was filling out an application recently and was asked to write a short statement on my "personal faith pilgrimage." I grew up in the Christian world, and so have had to write out my testimony
Charles Gutenson 4-15-2010
Did you know that scripture says, "there is no God?" Yep, it sure does, right there in Psalm 14:1, right after the words "The fool has said in his heart..." Interesting, isn't it?

Last weekend I was at a family reunion where I had been invited to show pictures from my sabbatical in the Middle East last spring.

Jim Wallis 4-14-2010
This post was written in response to the Washington Post On Faith question of th
Allison Johnson 4-13-2010

Last weekend, tens of thousands of people marched in support of solutions to our broken immigration system.

Niemat Ahmadi 4-13-2010
As a Darfuri, I recognize the fact that this presidential and parliamentary election in Sudan is an important milestone for the implementation of the North-South Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA)
Duane Shank 4-12-2010
There's an old story about a man and his wife driving into town one evening.