Environmental Stewardship

Ernesto Tinajero 6-01-2010
There are long stories and short stories. Stories that people in a hundred years will be talking about, and stories that will fade in a few months.
Richard Schiffman 6-01-2010

Somebody noticed this quaking purplish spray
hung incongruous on late-winter's bough,
and tied a festive bow of multicolored yarns
to cheer the anomalous blossoms,

Jeannie Choi 6-01-2010

Here is a list of resources from Sojourners that will help further develop an understanding of Christian ethics and the environment.


Onleilove Alston 6-01-2010

Christians battle King Coal to save Appalachia.

Larry Rasmussen 6-01-2010

What does it mean that planet Earth is jeopardized by its supposed stewards, who fail even to wince at our species' cumulative threats to life?

The bounty of a small plot is not so small.
Jeannie Choi 6-01-2010

Younger generations are less concerned and preoccupied by global warming than older generations, according to a new study by American, Yale, and George Mason universities.

Andrew Wilkes 5-28-2010
Our sins are hidden in our sanitation. Last week on the New York subway, I read an article about the connection between sanitation and self-deception.
Tracey Bianchi 5-27-2010
"So what are you up to this summer?" seems to be the question du jour. With the calendar about to flip into June everyone seems antsy for a summer plan.
Ken Sehested 5-27-2010
In the beginning, darkness covered the face of the deep.

Then the Breath of Heaven swept across the waters, blessing the sea with all manner of creatures.

Becky Garrison 5-26-2010

In Climate of Change, director Brian Hill tells the story of how ordinary people from around the world are taking action steps to save the environment.

Jim Wallis 5-20-2010

I thought Glenn Beck must have moved on to other things, but the other night, he went back to his attack on social justice churches. This time the issue was climate change.


Justin Fung 5-20-2010
NASA released a new image yesterday that shows a large column of oil heading from the Deepwater Horizon rig site in the Gulf of Mexico out into the open ocean, a startling and heartbreaking indicat
Allen Johnson 5-17-2010

In this month's Sojourners, Onleilove Alston takes a spiritually inflected look at coal country, where last month's EPA decision to ban much mountaintop removal min

Jim Wallis 5-13-2010
My mother taught her children never to "toot our own horn." So last year, when Sojourners became the first publication ever (so far as I know) to win the best general interest magazine awa