Creation Care
Gretel Ehrlich 7-13-2010
A heart has been pierced, four miles of seabed violated, and the aorta is gushing unabated.
the Web Editors 7-08-2010
Watch the video below of CNN's coverage of Jim Wallis and other faith leaders as they tour the Gulf Coast on a trip sponsored by the Sierra Club. (For live updates, follow @jimwallis on Twitter.)
Jim Wallis 7-07-2010
The captain was the first to smell it. He told us that the ocean didn't used to smell this way. Then, we all smelled it.
Randy Woodley 7-07-2010
At the same time oil is spewing from the ocean floor in the Gulf of Mexico, some politicians are already calling for more drilling, accompanied
Jim Wallis 7-07-2010
Editor's note: Jim Wallis is on a tour of the Gulf Coast with an interfaith group of leaders sponsored by the Sierra Club.
Bill McKibben 7-01-2010
We're heading in a direction "not compatible with the planet to which life on earth is adapted."
Tracey Bianchi 6-30-2010
I love the clerks in my local grocery store. The same women scan and weigh and slide my yogurt and tortilla chips every week.
Bill McKibben 6-24-2010
I'd say Barack Obama's long and often tenuous honeymoon with progressive Americans took what looks like a lethal blow in spring 2010.
Dave Allen 6-21-2010
In early June, a week-long gathering at the Center for Reconciliation at Duke Divinity School brought together a diverse group of Ch
Elizabeth Denlinger Reaves 6-18-2010
We are witnessing a massive despoiling of God's creation that will impact ecosystems for generations. Our response must think that far ahead as well -- to our children and our children's children.
Chris Rice 6-18-2010
We rarely slow down to create the sacred space needed to discern the "signs of the times" and who we are as Christians in this time of America.
Jim Wallis 6-17-2010
This week, in President Barack Obama's Oval Office speech on the oil spill, he used the term "mission." That's the right word.
Brian McLaren 6-16-2010
I was glad the president emphasized the need to break our addiction to oil in his speech last night, and I thought he did a good job of demonstrating commitment to the people of the Gulf region.