This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: February 2019

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Benjamin Crump is a civil rights attorney whose clients include the families of Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, and most recently Emantic Bradford Jr., a black man shot from behind by police at an Alabama mall on Thanksgiving Day. Crump talked with Assistant Editor Da'Shawn Mosley about the faith that sustains his work and gives him hope.

Cover Story

The stubborn faith of the civil rights attorney who represented Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and many others.


Restoring the right to vote to formerly incarcerated people models Christian forgiveness.
The Christian ethic of sex needs a transformation.
Five Asian concepts that can deepen our understanding of the Holy Spirit.


More than a billion people have lifted themselves out of extreme destitution. 
Four top athletes break down what it means to be a man.
Planned economic contraction may provide a way forward in climate collapse.

Culture Watch

Mimi Mutesa’s colorful portraits defy the church’s expectations.
Technology addiction is now pervasive among low-income households.
Four February culture recommendations from our editors.
From cinematic moments bringing to light social inequality to showcasing Christ-like love.
A review of ‘Women Talking,’ by Miriam Toews.
A review of ‘Barbarican,’ by Mona Haydar.
A review of ‘Backs Against the Wall: The Howard Thurman Story,’ written and directed by Martin Doblmeier.


Blame it on the apple, Augustine, or purity culture, but many churches blush when it comes to body parts, especially naked ones.
Letters to the editors from Sojourners readers.
Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle C


The oppressed don’t need critical theories of injustice—they need a way out.
Funny business by Ed Spivey Jr.
America still has a choice to make: Will we be a racist nation going forward?
Faith leaders in British Columbia are leading the way in ‘proclaiming the gospel without fear.’
Christians have allowed U.S. culture to dictate their faith.