This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: April 1993

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Cover Story

The challenge to nonviolence in the face of pleas for intervention


A Chancy Encounter with an Angel
Questions for the Heart
Faces of war in the former Yugoslavia
Suffering under Sovereignty
A Barbed-Wire Presence
Pawn in the Cold War
Testing the Ethics of Intervention
Not a 'Humanitarian Crisis'


Language and liberation in the deaf community
When the Nobel Prize didn't return home with its recipient 


Come here to quench your thirst with a glass of soothing pointlessness

Culture Watch

Twentysomethings are finding their place
The Life and Times of Dorothy L. Sayers
Rosemary Radford Ruether on the Creator and Creation
A tribute to Dizzy Gillespie


I WAS SURPRISED at the response ("Postmark," January 1993) to Kathy Collmer's editorial on the North American Free Trade Agreement ("Free Trade: A New Conquest of Mexico," November 1992).
For a number of Central Americans in the Washington, DC area, EMPLEO workers cooperative provides an opportunity to take charge of their own lives.
IT IS A PLEASURE to see my poem in print in "Wordworks" ("Good Friday," February-March 1993). I am sorry to say, however, that an important word was changed from past to present tense.
A.C. Cook, like other residents of Ohio's Mahoning Valley, is tired of businesses that abandon his community in troubled times.
YOUR MAGAZINE is wonderful/painful/thought-provoking and much used and passed on.
JUDY COODE'S criticisms of Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven puzzled me greatly ("On The Beat," December 1992).
Co-Creators of Peace With Justice, a grassroots network of creative activists, formed nearly two years ago when a small group of men and women attending the Sojourners' 20th anniversary festival ga
RICHARD K. TAYLOR'S critique of a left-wing perspective makes a few valid points, but his logic seems to be flawed in some respects.
For Mary, Ancilla, Elizabeth. Croatia and Bosnia, 1993
As Christians struggle to find ethical and effective responses to violent conflicts, the people of Christian Peacemaker Teams hope to establish the beginnings of an active, nonviolent alternative...
RICHARD K. TAYLOR appears to want to cut leftists down to size with only a faint nod toward rightist policies. What are his accusations against leftists?
JOE NANGLE'S SLANDER of our committee ("Shining Path: Exposing Ideological Blinders," January 1993), in which he calls us a "terrorist front," is an example of how to help the U.S.
For congregations and parishes that take seriously the task of community building, the preparation of leadership ranks as a top priority.
I AM SICK AND tired of all this Ed Spivey Jr. bashing that goes on in "Postmark." Are these people for real? Or does Ed himself pen these letters with tongue in cheek?
I LOOK FORWARD each month to Danny Duncan Collum's excellent, well thought-out, and beautifully written "Eyes & Ears" columns. I collect them and sometimes make copies for family members.
I FOUND Elizabeth O'Connor's essay, "Our Rag-Bone Hearts," (January 1993) to be the best article I have read about one's attitudes toward the homeless.
THE EXCELLENT articles by Richard K. Taylor ("Seeing the World Through New Lenses") and Joe Nangle, O.F.M.