This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: February 2006

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Cover Story

Gaining ground against poverty: From Africa, three innovative solutions.


100 years after Dietrich Bonhoeffer's birth, he still has much to teach us.
As Christianity explodes across the globe, it is taking new forms and moving away from traditional expressions.
The journey of Christian Churches Together in the USA began in September 2001 when church leaders representing the wider spectrum of the Christian community articulated a vision for a place of fe
The vision of the Global Christian Forum is simple but bold: Can the four main “families” of the Christian community—Orthodox, historic Protestant, evangelical/pentecostal, and
America's first truth and reconciliation commission tries to bring healing to a divided community.


Does Ricky Martin's sexed-up music undercut his anti-trafficking activism?
Poverty solutions that transcend ideology.


Prayer can literally change our brain.
'Have they no shame?' was a frequent response.
Keeping an 'eye on Washington' in this crucial election year.
Is 'cost-effective' the right criterion for judging AIDS drugs?

Culture Watch

Robert Ellsberg is an editor’s editor.
Having witnessed the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina, it may be hard to imagine anything comforting about a whirlwind. They remind us that we are small and fragile.
Can we get spin-free public TV?
Today's scrapbooks don't look a thing like our grandmother's albums.
The remarkable thing about Renny Golden’s writing is that it provides a bridge of understanding between a silenced, disenfranchised community and those who need to hear what that community


The “Open Bethlehem” international campaign was launched in November to bring international attention to the Palestinian city of Bethlehem, which has suffered greatly as a result of th
A dozen years after Ruben Cantu was executed by the state of Texas for capital murder, the only witness to Cantu’s alleged crime came forward in November to recant his testimony, saying Ca
More than 100 Palestinians from the village of At-Tuwani, including these children, attended a vigil in December for four members of the Christian Peacemaker Teams.
With all the bad news of late, it's heartening to read some hopeful news, especially about poverty. Stephen C.
In these high-tech days, anyone could just copy the Bible onto any old USB memory stick, but that would be wrong wouldn’t it?
The nonprofit status of All Saints Episcopal Church in Pasadena, California, is being challenged by the Internal Revenue Service because of a sermon in which parishioners were asked to imagine a
I wanted to thank you for the thoughtful content of the December 2005 issue. As I turned the pages, I encountered so many articles that struck a chord with what I have been thinking.
A recent poll conducted for PBS’s Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly surveyed 1,130 adults about faith and family.
Is 'Get Rich or Die Tryin' just a current movie or is it also a national mantra?
As I read Sojourners, I am struck by how often the real issue seems to come down to one simple question: What is a Christian?
• Golden Deal. McDonald’s will sell fair trade coffee in more than 650 of its restaurants in the northeastern United States.
I just read “Vital Signs,” by Diana Butler Bass (December 2005). It is interesting, and I know two of the three churches featured.