Loving Our Enemies
Praying With Our Feet, written and illustrated by Goshen grads Lisa Weaver and Ingrid Hess, is a great way to introduce peacemaking to young kids. A girl narrates her and her community’s citywide walk for peace, a story inspired by Weaver’s church’s actions against the Iraq war. The girl and her dad make “War is not the path to peace” posters, remembering that “Every person is our neighbor, not just the people who live right beside us.” Herald Press
Divine Encounters
Say you want to wander through the mystics, from Saint Paul to Thomas Merton. Love Burning in the Soul, by James Harpur, is a good guide. After introducing mysticism and its characteristics, he starts with New Testament times and finishes with the modern age, highlighting mystics such as Gregory of Nyssa, Bonaventure, Catherine of Genoa, and William Blake along the way. New Seeds
Musical Resonance
“How tedious and tasteless the hours when Jesus no longer I see,” Martha Bassett sings halfway through Mortal Flesh, her clear, pure voice ringing. Guitar, banjo, dobro, and fiddle accompany standards such as “Be Thou My Vision” and less well-known arrangements such as her rendition of “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent,” which combines the tune of a French carol with 4th century words from the liturgy of St. James. A smooth and satisfying sound. www.marthabassett.com
God’s Nation
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