Sojourners Magazine: December 2007
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Cover Story
Understanding the true presence of Christ helps us become elders, not just elderly.
Whenever I read Luke’s account of the presentation of the infant Jesus in the temple (Luke 2:25-38), I always picture a late afternoon in winter. Nature has slowed down. The day is dying.
Taking a regional approach, "equitable development" aims to lift people out of poverty - and into opportunity.
The passage below first appeared in print only two months after the bloody slave rebellion led by Nat Turner, in a time of great tension and fear among slave-owners.
The difficulty - and necessity - of finding a middle ground on stem cells.
It is time to work for common ground between evangelicals and progressives.
Someone foolishly suggested I should actually play in public.
Culture Watch
Peace, Justice, and Jews: Reclaiming Our Tradition is part of a growing body of literature written by progressive Jews, Christians, and Muslims seeking to articulate alternative visions to
Barrios Unidos isn’t what most people would think of when they hear the phrase “faith-based organization.” Even though it’s not aligned with any church or traditional religi
One of the opening scenes in Angels in the Dust shows waking children, some two to a bed, others with cats curled up beside them, greeting what looks like a chilly day in South Africa.
Thousands of protesters marched through Jena, Louisiana, on Sept.
My breath pluming white into December
could, to God, be incense rising out
of the puffing thurible of my body.
Up here, it’s impossible to tell for the fog
With deference to Alexia Salvatierra (“Sacred Refuge,” September-October 2007), I do not believe that our current laws regarding “illegal aliens” (securing our borders, pena
December 1 is World AIDS Day. Worldwide, 15 million children have lost one or both parents to the AIDS pandemic; in Zimbabwe, one in five children are orphans.
Sojourners magazine was recommended to me by my brother-in-law, so I sent away for a free trial issue.
Ride the Curl Jesus is cool again! He rides a motorcycle, plays soccer and football, enjoys the occasional rodeo—plus, he surfs!
In June, a predominantly African-American Christian church took the innovative step of hosting a day laborers’ hiring site in one of its worship rooms.