Sojourners Magazine: January-February 2003
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Cover Story
Nobel Prize-winning physicist Bill Phillips talks about his faith
William Gates Sr.—whose son is Microsoft founder Bill Gates—joins with co-author Chuck Collins to argue that the wealthiest among us have an obligation to pay their fair share.
Around the world publicly owned, government-run water utilities are being sold off to for-profit companies.
In a time of crisis, uncertainty, and policy debate, one would think that Christians in the United States would agree
Whatever Christians decide about war with Iraq, they must do it on the basis of Christian theology.
At the corner of 14th and Euclid Streets NW in Washington, D.C., many evenings at
sunset, the Domino's deliveryman kneels down to pray.
As our nation prepares for war against—depending on the mood of the president—al Qaeda, Iraq, or unnecessarily big words (such as "civil liberties"), it is a sober time in America.
Culture Watch
More than 30 years into his career, nine Grammys, and dozens of tours, 55-year-old Carlos Santana's music continues to evolve, and he's bringing another generation along for the ride.
The first time I played Waterdeep's new album for my housemates,
they were up and dancing within seconds.
Sister Dianna Ortiz was kidnapped and tortured by Guatemalan security forces in November 1989 while serving as a missionary there.
What are my favorite things for listening to, watching, and perusing?
As this is written, rescue workers are still separating the bodies from the bamboo after the terrorist bombing of a nightclub in Bali.
Filmmaker Michael Moore loves to pick at the sores of America's
self-delusions, and he's really good at it.
Thomas Patterson says that the juice has been squeezed out of elections for Americans...
For the first time, you can possess your very own Holy Trinity 3-pak, featuring
hand-carved God hair, a glow-in-the-dark Holy Spirit, and LEGO Jesus.
President Bush finally signed the Sudan Peace Act in October to pressure the Sudanese government to end that nation's 19-year civil war...
JIM WALLIS, in arguing for disarming Iraq without war says, "But the incentive should be a gradual lifting of sanctions and a pledge of no military attack if Iraq really cooperates."
Forty-three prominent evangelical leaders sent a letter to President Bush indicating that the Christian Right's uncritical support of Israel is not the position of all American evangelicals.
Americans are keeping the faith today in many different waysincluding how they
G.I. Joe has shown boys how to exercise military might for decades, but America's
recent "war on terror" has made way for a new cash crop of action figures. Since
A 2001 U.S. Army Audit Agency report revealed that U.S. armed forces
are unprepared for encountering chemical and biological weapons.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Compassion Capital Fund released in October the first federal funds specifically targeted to assist faith-based and community organizations.
"The Bomb is Back" is an excellent article and absolutely on target, especially your idea that attacking Iraq is going to produce the opposite effect of stated U.S. policy objectives.
Force Failure. In 2001, .37 percent of Australians and 1.5 percent of
New Zealanders told census-takers they were following the Star Wars-based "Jedi"
QUOTES IN "Where the Boys Aren't" (by Holly Lebowitz Rossi, November-December 2002) by Rev.
The RAND corporation, one of the earliest U.S. military think tanks, released a report on the implications of using alternative power-generation technologies...
WHILE I AGREE with Peter Ackerman and Jack DuVall ("With Weapons of the Will," September-October 2002) that nonviolent action by Iraqis would be the best approach...
We began work on this issue in autumn, an especially strange and fearful autumn around our Washington, D.C. home.
Who do you call when the marshals have tossed all your belongings on
the sidewalk and you need a place to spend the night?
Jesuit Father Richard T. McSorley, 88, a retired professor of peace studies at Georgetown University and longtime peace and social justice activist, died October 17, 2002.
Women's Re-entry Network in Cleveland is like many nonprofits—it is financially pinched and has a big-hearted but overworked staff that struggles to meet the needs of its clients.
IT IS ASSUMED that a magazine like yours aims to develop the spiritual gift of discernment.