Sojourners Magazine: February 2010
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Watch the video about the Paint Your Faith mural created by WonderCafe.ca in Toronto, Canada.
Listen to Francis S. Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, discuss his work and his faith.
David Bazan talks to us on camera about his music and his questions about faith.
More ministry insights from Efrem Smith, senior pastor of the Sanctuary Covenant Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Poet Richard Hoffman reads his poem, Watching.
Cover Story
A Toronto church wall speaks to the vibrancy of faith, thanks to the work of four aerosol artists.
Today's Jewish social justice movement is renewing its strength with faith and grassroots power.
Geneticist Francis Collins -- new director of the National Institutes of Health -- talks about faith, science, and the spiritual practices that sustain him.
The case for faith, not prison, to prevent youth crime.
Give the global-South anti-corruption activist a fighting chance.
I’ve been surfing the Internet, looking for ways to escape the coming apocalypse that ancient Mayans, using science available at the time, predicted for two years from now.
I recently attended a private symposium of Christian leaders—scientists, theologians, and pastors, along with other scholars.
Ah, February, the month that is, for those of us in northern climates, the coldest, darkest, and, blessedly, shortest month of the year. It is also the time when, as the St.
I have written a new book—one I didn’t plan to write, but which emerged as we responded to the economic crisis that has gripped the nation and the world.
There are two principles that have stood face to face from the beginning of time, and will ever continue to struggle, declared Abraham Lincoln in 1858: “the common right of humanity and the d
Culture Watch
Was Jack Kerouac a keeper of visions or a self-destructive individualist?
God’s design for our lives includes stewardship of everything we have received. Most followers of Jesus give of their finances and volunteer their time, but stewardship also means responsible living with our cars, homes, energy consumption, water use, and so on. In these areas God provides an opportunity for wisdom and discernment on our part. At the very beginning of scripture, in Genesis 1, God outlines a partnership that is wider and greener than many of us realize. It is inconsistent if we slap our 10 percent into the collection plate and then head home in a gas-guzzling car and flip on all the lights
David Bazan on how he became an agnostic -- and lived to sing about it.
Cormac McCarthy’s novels are the Ecclesiastes of postmodern American literature—finely wrought chunks of sparseness in which the protagonists struggle to survive a violent or deadening
I appreciate your making space for Bryan Cones’ “Rites and Rituals” (November 2009). I know and value a number of the resources he annotated.
In November, 1,150 cities around the world—including 60 capitals—lit up public buildings to support an end to the death penalty.
In an innovative move, Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut, recently began a two-year pilot project offering college-level courses to convicted felons serving time at the high-security C
Because I lay on my back as a boy in the grass of the small yard behind our house watching clouds move and become faces, mostly,
Despite my great respect for Sojourners magazine and its staff, I find myself disappointed, once again, as I scan the pages of the magazine.
While some U.S. households are cutting out entertainment to make ends meet during the economic recession, others are going hungry. In 2008, the U.S.
Leading evangelicals and climate scientists met on Capitol Hill in November to urge policymakers to tackle the issue of climate change.
The photo on the cover of the December 2009 issue is one of the most haunting reminders of global warming I’ve seen. It seems as though the bear is looking at his own ghost.
Dutch designer Michiel Cornelissen has created the new cross screwdriver that is both a hand tool and a religious symbol!
Web Extra
Against the gray of concrete and stone buildings, the vibrant colors of the Paint Your Faith mural on a wall of Metropolitan United Church in downtown Toronto can be seen from blocks away.
Since 1994, David Bazan has put sharp questions about faith, justice, and his Pentecostal-evangelical upbringing front and center in his songs.