Sojourners Magazine: August 2005
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Cover Story
The "facts on the ground" are troubling, but there's still hope for building a just peace in Israel-Palestine.
What does a 16th century mystic have to say to 21st century peacemakers?
Constructive engagement must ensure safety for both Israelis and Palestinians.
Palestinian grievances are real and justified. So are Israeli fears.
My feeble attempts at Spanish were complicated by the idiomatic peculiarities of the language.
Culture Watch
The number of executions in the United States has decreased in recent years,
An Indigo Girl - and dad - talk about music as the mediator between God and our souls.
In this month of dehydration,we keep our eyes skyward, both to watchfor rain and to avoid the scornof the scorched succulents who reproachus silently, saying, "You promised to care."
Churches in Colombia and the United States held more than 20 nonviolent vigils on Mother'
Those seeking a safe haven in the United States from religious, political, and economic oppression are finding it more difficult to obtain asylum on U.S. soil.
Music Man. Elmer Maas, 69, a musician, philosopher, civil rights worker, and one of the founders of the Plowshares anti-nuclear movement, died May 7 in Connecticut.