- Music Man. Elmer Maas, 69, a musician, philosopher, civil rights worker, and one of the founders of the Plowshares anti-nuclear movement, died May 7 in Connecticut. Maas was part of the first Plowshares action in 1980, where he hammered on the nose cone of a Mark 12-A nuclear warhead at the General Electric plant in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.
- Proxy Power. Responsible Wealth, a network of wealthy shareholder activists, and ACORN, a community organization of low- and moderate-income families, presented a resolution at Wells Fargo's annual meeting in San Francisco calling on the company to make CEO pay contingent upon changing predatory lending practices.
- Cinema Verite. JustPeace, a film about children in Sudan produced by six Christian aid agencies for the Sudan Advocacy Coalition, premiered in Nairobi in June. The film juxtaposes children's perspectives on war against the actions of adult leaders in the Sudanese peace process.
- Better Buy. Due to a shareholder resolution filed by the Catholic socially responsible investment firm Christian Brothers Investment Services, the electronic retail giant Best Buy has agreed to publicly outline a policy that will curb the sale of mature-rated video games to kids.
- Life Support. The Parliamentary Assembly of the 46-country Council of Europe resoundingly rejected a resolution in April that would have approved doctor-assisted suicide for terminally ill patients, supporting instead good palliative care.
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