
Living Faith


Disarm us, O Lord — our minds, lips, hearts, and hands — that we may more perfectly love you.

Whether you call it attachment, anxiety, or being a control freak, the only path to wholeness lies in giving up what you most want.

Muslims migrants from western African nations are increasingly among those arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border. Grace Lutheran in LA is welcoming them in.

Despite the uptick in legislation protecting conservative religious belief, there is a growth in adoption agencies embracing inclusive practices.

When injustice demands action, signing a statement can seem like “just words.” But I think it’s part of real change.

Around 120 faith organizations will fan out across more than 50 Pride events in 16 states to de-escalate the actions of extremist anti-LGBTQ+ hate groups.

I want to understand the intersection of Miami, Latino, and church culture, but I wondered whether I would burst into flames when walking into church.

The IVF resolution before the thousands of leaders gathered in Indianapolis noted the pain infertile couples encounter but said that “not all technological means of assisting human reproduction are equally God-honoring or morally justified.”

June can be a difficult month for LGBTQ+ Christians, but this year I'm giving thanks for people who’ve left a meaningful mark on my spiritual journey.

“If you’re thinking, ‘I don’t know if we have the bandwidth to deal with this,’ You are dealing with it. It’s happening already,” church leaders told Sojourners.