Culture Watch

Beth Newberry 2-01-2008

Ben Harper is known for songs that are either personal or political, and in Lifeline, his latest release with the Innocent Criminals, the songs embody both.

White-collar life in the information age.
The Editors 2-01-2008

Suffer the Children

Steve Thorngate 1-01-2008
The Trumpet Child, by Over the Rhine.
David Cay Johnston 1-01-2008

We now have almost three decades of experience with the idea that markets will solve our problems.

The Carolina Chocolate Drops keep an America tradition alive.
Kimberly Burge 1-01-2008
Reflecting Theologically on AIDS: A Global Challenge
Deryl Davis 1-01-2008
What happens when young playwrights set their live to paper?
The Editors 1-01-2008

Plan of Action

Danny Duncan Collum 12-01-2007
Ideology, without love, is worse than nothing.
Molly Marsh 12-01-2007

Poverty 101

Barrios Unidos isn’t what most people would think of when they hear the phrase “faith-based organization.” Even though it’s not aligned with any church or traditional religi

Or N. Rose 12-01-2007

Peace, Justice, and Jews: Reclaiming Our Tradition is part of a growing body of literature written by progressive Jews, Christians, and Muslims seeking to articulate alternative visions to

Molly Marsh 12-01-2007

One of the opening scenes in Angels in the Dust shows waking children, some two to a bed, others with cats curled up beside them, greeting what looks like a chilly day in South Africa.

Joanna B. Campbell 12-01-2007
'Citizen architects' meet real-world challenges.
Kathy McGinnis 11-01-2007
A list of life-shaping books for children.
Ginny Moore Kruse 11-01-2007
Gripping books for young people provide handles for engaging the world - even the world of violence and war.
Danny Duncan Collum 11-01-2007

When Michael Moore’s documentary about the U.S. health care system, Sicko, opened in theaters last June, I wasn’t feeling too well myself.

Call them what you will—"green nuns," "eco-nuns," or "green sisters"—but across the country Roman Catholic vowed women are actively engaged in tending and healing the earth.

Molly Marsh 9-01-2007

Race Matters

True to Our Native Land, edited by Brian Blount, describes itself as the first African-American commentary on the New Testament.