Culture Watch

Steve Thorngate 1-01-2007

I don’t usually expect too much from blues-rock music.

John Potter 1-01-2007
Pop musician Moby on how his faith affects his lifestyle, art, and activism.
The Editors 1-01-2007

Spiritual Witnesses
Women Saints: 365 Daily Readings, by Madonna Sophia Compton, with Maria Compton Hernandez and Patricia Campbell, provides reflections on holy women

Danny Duncan Collum 12-01-2006
The war on the war on Christmas
Danny Duncan Collum 12-01-2006
Appalachian-influenced music with a modern twist: Zoe Speaks.
Jim Rice 12-01-2006

How would Mahatma Gandhi confront terrorism today? And what action would the apostle of nonviolence take in response to the wars waged in the name of anti-terrorism?

There may be no more basic lesson in persuasive writing than the futility of creating a straw man: Sketch a loose summary of an opponent’s argument in order to dismiss it with ease.

Jesus was a political revolutionary—not the meek figure he is commonly portrayed as—whose teachings have been diluted, if not corrupted, by those in positions of power, writes Obery Hen

The Editors 12-01-2006


The Editors 11-01-2006
New and Noteworthy books.
Danny Duncan Collum 11-01-2006
Who will control the stories we tell-and who gets to see them?
Molly Marsh 9-01-2006

The Alpha and Omega

Tobias Winright 9-01-2006
The authors connect the dots between Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin, and those who influenced them.
Richard B. Hays 9-01-2006
Jesus' anti-politics is very much real politics.
Betty Spackman 9-01-2006
The difference between messaging the truth - and being messengers of the truth.
'Prairie Home Companion' hits prime time.
Neil Young's Living With War reopens the channel between artist and audience.
Julie Polter 8-01-2006

Like a cluster of traffic cops, insurance adjusters, and whiplash lawyers at a multicar pileup, writers of all sorts are trying to make sense of the dangerous intersection of faith and politics in

Glen H. Stassen 8-01-2006

The Sermon on the Mount is one of the gems of the New Testament, comprised as it is of the spare beauty of the Beatitudes and the solemn pleas of the Lord’s Prayer.