Going Deeper
Richard Rohr, Daniel Berrigan, Edwina Gately, Walter Wink, Thomas Keating, and others take on angels, demons, false selves, and the challenges of aging and nonviolence in a collection of essays called Contemplation in Action. The pieces are short but substantive—there’s a full day’s worth of reflection, and then some, in each. Crossroad
Spiritual Circuitry
Those who love the psalmody, want to learn more about its practice, or learn to chant themselves should pick up Cynthia Bourgeault’s Chanting the Psalms. Part one examines the psalms, the early monastic psalmody, and psalters; part two provides practical details for learning to chant; and part three looks at creative adaptations in sacred chanting, such as Taizé, Iona, and Gouzes chants. Interesting and practical. New Seeds
Breath of God
Breathe is the 14th in a series of short DVD films produced by Nooma. With a subway station and its riders as the backdrop, Pastor Rob Bell delivers a thoughtful 10-minute sermonette on breathing and the ways it can help us focus more on God. In the Bible, he says, the word for “breath” is the same as the word for “spirit.” The DVDs, which come with discussion booklets, are ideal for youth groups. Zondervan
Holy Days
Jewish Holidays: A Brief Introduction for Christians, by Rabbi Kerry Olitzky and Rabbi Daniel Judson, is an interesting and easy-to-read look at Jewish major and minor holidays, their historical background, and, in some cases, their parallels to Christian holidays. The book concludes with brief descriptions of the four major movements in American Judaism and a helpful glossary. Jewish Lights Publishing
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