Sojourners Magazine: February 2007
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Cover Story
We know how to create a better system. All we need is the moral outrage.
Affordable housing is vital for working people- and for the health of our communities.
Collaboration between low- and middle-income people is one of the keys to rebuilding the broken American Dream.
Churches play a positive role in the first democratic elections in more than 40 years.
Forgiveness may be the most difficult and least-understood challenge every human being must face.
Last November, a record 22,000 people gathered at the gates of the Fort Benning Military Reservation in Georgia to protest the military training school, for soldiers from Central and South American
My dad was always one to deflect attention from himself and give the glory to God.
2007 is a Sabbath Year. Every seventh year, according to biblical tradition, the people of God are invited to observe a “Year of Remission” (Shmita, in Hebrew).
Culture Watch
The problem with a disease defined by an extraordinary number of dead, infected, and orphaned is that it is all too easy to lose sight of the individual.
Eva Mozes Kor was 9 years old when she and the rest of her family stepped off the train at Auschwitz. Within seconds, she lost sight of her father and two older sisters in the crowd.
Just a note to thank you for your Christian Peacemaker Teams feature in the December 2006 issue (“118 Days,” by James Loney, Harmeet Singh Sooden, Peggy Gish, and Rose Marie Berger).
Climate change activists carried out what they called an “art attack” in November by screening political messages on the sides of several London landmarks.
I went there once,
to the place you’re imagining.
It was purple, with wild geraniums
under green-bright stars.
All the constellations spelled
words, like &
Two articles in the November 2006 issue overlook a powerful old means of communication that is being rediscovered—face-to-face storytelling in circles (sometimes called “peacemaking cir
I just finished Barack Obama’s article in the November 2006 issue of Sojourners (“One Nation ... Under God?”), and I am deeply moved.
There were no hanging chads to scrutinize on “undervoted” ballots in Florida’s 13th Congressional District during last November’s midterm elections.
Private military contractors have reportedly fired indiscriminately on Iraqi civilians hundreds of times throughout the U.S.