Leave it to those wacky Dutch to rub salted licorice in the wounds of the capitalist Christian-ish West with a new (spoof) version of the Bible. This one cuts out all those pesky passages about the poor and giving your money away. It’s a Bible full of holes. “Jesus was very inspiring for our inner health,” said (fictitious) Western Bible Foundation chair Mr. De Rijke, “but we don’t need to take his naive remarks about money seriously. He didn’t study economy, obviously.” The teaser to the accompanying Bible study reads, “Bible passages about money, materialism, poverty, injustice, and righteousness are old-fashioned.”
The Western Bible is published by Time to Turn, a network of Christian students concerned with justice and living sustainable lifestyles. (So far, the Bible is available only in Dutch, for the low, low price of € 2.50.)
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