Reading the Red Letters
In The Words of Jesus, religion expert Phyllis Tickle compiles the sayings of Jesus into five areas: his words of public teaching, private instruction, healing, intimate conversation, and of post-resurrection encounters. She introduces the sayings with a thoughtful, honest reflection on the challenges and, yes, humiliations of encountering Jesus’ words on their own and how they have affected her faith. Jossey-Bass
St. Dorothy Day?
Based on 14 years of research, director Claudia Larson’s film Dorothy Day: Don’t Call Me a Saint presents the Catholic anarchist and co-founder of the Catholic Worker movement through writings, interviews, and compelling images of her life and times. Day, currently under consideration for sainthood by the Vatican, was inspired to live in solidarity with the poor by the gospels, the lives of the saints, and the teachings of her faith.
One Lucky Dog Productions
Visual Storytelling
Sometimes seeing rather than hearing biblical stories makes their message more clear. That’s the idea behind Modern Parables: Living in the Kingdom of God, a set of DVDs that dramatize six of Jesus’ parables in film form. The parables of the sower, the Good Samaritan, and the Prodigal Son, among others, are put into a modern setting, after which participants discuss the lessons and ways to apply Jesus’ teachings. The 12-lesson series includes student and teacher discussion booklets.
Rethinking Church
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