
When I lived in Jerusalem during the fall of 2000, after the failure of Camp David and as the second intifada erupted, I found myself angry with everything around me - the crushing might of Israel'
Duane Shank 12-23-2008
At the time of year when Christians proclaim the birth of the Prince of Peace, in too many places our world remains wracked by violence, and our efforts to end it seem futile.
Duane Shank 12-19-2008
While most attention is being paid to the deepening economic crisis, the incoming Obama administration will also inherit a number of interrelated international crises.

It was quite a busy year for the policy team at Sojourners, and we can already hear the challenges and opportunities of 2009 calling for our attention.

Omer Goldman 12-16-2008

My name is Omer Goldman. I am 19 years old. I am one of the Shministim. I need your help.

Logan Isaac 12-15-2008
In the spirit of peace on earth and goodwill toward all, I went to see the remake of the 1951 movie The Day the Earth Stood Still, in whi
Troy Jackson 12-10-2008
1968 was a year filled with tragic deaths, of young leaders lost.
Joseph D'souza 12-09-2008
After the Mumbai terrorist attacks, India must not commit the same mistakes as the United States in its war on terror.
Aaron Taylor 12-08-2008
Soldiers entering villages and killing people on sight. Landmines blowing pregnant women to smithereens. There's no way this is really going on. The world would never tolerate this.
Shane Claiborne 12-02-2008

As per usual, on Friday, we had all sorts of Buy Nothing Day festivities (check out the video here). But that's not what I want to talk about.

Nontando Hadebe 11-24-2008
As the power sharing talks between political parties drag on and off, the delays have turned deadly -- literally.
Bart Campolo 11-19-2008
Twelve years ago our dear friend Julia took a badly neglected baby boy away from his crackhead mother and made him her own.
Jennifer Svetlik 11-19-2008

Last spring, I made a pilgrimage to rural El Salvador to learn about the violence that had occurred there during the U.S-supported Salvadoran Civil War. The journey became a sacred one for me my first evening there, in the home of my host Florinda.

Rev. Romal J. Tune 11-19-2008
Where have all the prosperity preachers gone? It seems like only yesterday when we were hearing about prosperity preachers and messages about God pouring out financial blessing.
Laurel Frodge 11-18-2008
This weekend, an estimated 30,000 people will meet in protest at the gates of Fort Benning, Georgia, to close the School of the Americas.
Jimmy McCarty 11-18-2008
President-elect Barack Obama, in his first interview since being elected, promised to close Guantanamo Bay.
Biblical wisdom teaches: "Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21).

Jim Forest 11-14-2008
In many situations I'm hesitant to use the term "pro-life," as for a lot of people it really means nothing more than "anti-abortion." To be pro-life should mean doing all that one can to protect li
Janna Hunter-Bowman 11-13-2008

If no one speaks out, the violence is going to continue. Someone has to give voice to what is hidden.